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Rodfarts 8:56 Wed Nov 18
Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Not only fail to observe it, but boo and sing Allah Akbar.

Fucking rats.


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bruuuno 10:29 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
I am officially OUTRAGED

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 10:19 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Has GO been on yet moaning about the Jews?

Oliver Cromwell 4:23 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Beyond me why people even holiday in Turkey

Deano54 4:13 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.

Video is clearly the minute silence.

Mike Oxsaw 4:06 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
REALGSA 2:55 Wed Nov 18

"This is dangerous journalism with secret agenda"...

And also one of the main reasons behind a multi-pronged attempt to limit internet use & access.

The design of the internet makes it all but impossible for one particular organisation to dominate at the base level, so restrictions are applied "higher up the usage chain".

That means you get attempts to block P2P file sharing (it's not possible to know who's got how much of any given piece of data or from which source they'll get the next, so criminalise it's use in an attempt to scare off people using this as a transmission medium.

So far that's been about as effective as poring petrol on a well-lit bonfire.

In parallel with that, draft legislation such that it appears to be for the benefit of the nation's morals ("protecting children," normally makes sure people won't be awkward and argue the toss too much), but leave it with enough flexibility to be put to other uses when convenient (See use of the terrorist laws to shut pensioners up at political rallies, for instance).

If none of that works, repeatedly sow seeds of doubt in the public's mind about the validity of "non-official sourced news items." Ridicule them if you must.

Ironically, social media is free-speech's biggest enemy: the government got in very early in designing collaboration parameters with the providers and simply let the public give up all their secrets to the providers knowing full well nobody can resist a free lunch.

By the way, you've got a piece of mashed potato on your chin.

Eggbert Nobacon 3:09 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
so were they shouting Allah Akbar at Greece in their Anthem

or was it in the minutes silence?

Steve P 2:58 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
That's utter shit, I watched a clip of the minutes silence this morning.

Darby_ 2:57 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Sad to hear that, GSA, but not surprising.

The cynicism of tabloids really is amazing.

REALGSA 2:55 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
as someone wrote on the comments

Provocative hysterical journalism as it is best by daily mail and swallowed whole by it is readers. I have been to the game - fans were protesting Greek national anthem because of the historical problems between Turkey and Greece but DM manipulates this and presents it as Turks booing Paris. This is dangerous journalism with secret agenda

REALGSA 2:53 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Turkey played Greece

Thats like England V Germany

Golden Oldie 2:46 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Ridikzappa wrote...

"Islam is an evil cancer that is growing.

One reason Islam is resurgent is...literacy. In the same way that increased literacy in Europe caused Christians to go back and read the Bible for themselves...in the vernacular and not filtered through the Church...literacy is causing Muslims to re-engage with their sacred texts. They are finding out what they really command and they are DOING IT.

This is Islam's Reformation."

Evil isn't it.

I have a friend in Germany right now, he was at the Pegida protest the other day, apparently the jewish organisers of Pegida are getting very worried because they can't manage the limits of the protests, which they wanted to be just against the muslims, but unfortunately the Germans are everyday asking why, how and who is behind it.

What do you think the European's response will be to those who are behind this flooding of all European nations orchestrating this?


Golden Oldie 2:43 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
After8 wrote...

"Turks chant, it's a tradition, they're hardly doing what the Palestinians did when they all came out onto the streets and danced after Sept11."

No, they didn't

Worst Case Ontario 2:04 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Only a short time ago Turkish youth were on the verge of making Turkey a progressive and modern nation, and now they're all turning to radical Islam?

I don't buy it.

zico 12:51 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Apparently the silence wasn't observed at the Ireland/Bosnia game either.


Iron2010 12:46 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
This dosent help the current liberal line about a few nutters failing to represent the peaceful majority.

young woody 12:44 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Wouldnt get this in Waitrose

After8 12:41 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Turks chant, it's a tradition, they're hardly doing what the Palestinians did when they all came out onto the streets and danced after Sept11.

stirlinghammer 12:35 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
ridi- is that where you cut and paste from? the plank that is mark durie?

so more koran reading leads to violence? brilliant. durie is really on to something there.

Deano54 12:27 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
"Şehitler ölmez, vatan bölünmez!" (The martyrs are immortal, the fatherland is indivisible)


Ridikzappa 12:26 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
Islam is an evil cancer that is growing.

One reason Islam is resurgent is...literacy. In the same way that increased literacy in Europe caused Christians to go back and read the Bible for themselves...in the vernacular and not filtered through the Church...literacy is causing Muslims to re-engage with their sacred texts. They are finding out what they really command and they are DOING IT.

This is Islam's Reformation.

Those interested should check out Mark Durie...his books, articles, and interviews/lectures on YouTube.

Steve P 12:25 Wed Nov 18
Re: Turkey fail to observe minutes silence.
The booing and whistling started when the minutes silence started.

Then they were chanting something that Eddie the Turk can translate, if he can't find a c&p

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